Surya Kriya

"The idea of yoga is that your body becomes a possibility, not a barrier. If that has to happen, everything within your system should function with least amount of resistance, with least amount of friction. Surya Kriya is a phenomenal process in that direction to bring smoothness to the system." - Sadhguru
Surya Kriya is a potent 21-step yogic practice of tremendous antiquity, designed as a holistic process for health, wellness and complete inner wellbeing.


  • Develops mental clarity and focus
  • Rejuvenates the all the major organ systems including balancing hormonal levels
  • Boosts vigor and vitality
  • Remedies weak constitutions
  • Supports one to become meditative and experience peacefulness and joy  

 "Whatever kinds of little bit of aberrations that one may be born with or acquired in the process of living, all these are smoothened out. To bring this state, there are various systems. Surya Kriya is a powerful process in that direction." - Sadhguru


Eligibility: No previous experience of Yoga required.

Requirements: Empty stomach condition must be maintained for the session


Contact teachers

Ravi Chandra - 7032828546 l Haritha - 7337321610 l Pradeep - 9966666113

Program is organised and conducted by Certified Isha Hatha Yoga teachers
